Health benefits of being a postmodern Pinup girl
Sometimes, developing an interest in a particularly soothing activity can turn into a healing experience. It is a well known fact that hobbies have many benefits and they could be an incredible source of joy, relaxation and healing. Well, surprise, surprise… Pinup is not the exception. The benefits of gardening, knitting, painting or playing a musical instrument may be more evident to you than the benefits of doing Pinup, but you’ll be surprise how self-healing the pinup experience can be.
At age 28, Sherē Van Rose was diagnosed with stage 1 triple-negative breast cancer. After a bilateral mastectomy and 6 rounds of chemotherapy, she discovered her love for makeup and pinup.
“I lost both breasts and the reconstruction wasn’t successful, I was left with scars that affected my self-esteem. One day I figured I would just learn how to draw on my eyebrows after losing them to chemotherapy, from there I just fell down the rabbit hole. Makeup and pinup helped gain back my confidence.”
That is just one example on how the art of pinup can help us cope with many difficult situations in our life, as many other hobbies do.
After many years of unsuccessfully trying to have kids, Jackie Colada joined her first pinup contest in an effort to pursue an interest that could help her take her mind off a long and painful infertility journey.
“I was living my dream life when infertility came to hit me in the face, after that, I was never the same. I felt worthless as a woman, I hated myself, my body, and for many years my entire life revolve around not being able to be a mother until one day, I decided to move on, and to do something different and to learn how to love myself again. Becoming a Pinup helped me to do just that.”
Research shows that enjoyable activities are associated with lower blood pressure, total cortisol, and perceptions of better physical function. Such activities are also correlated with higher levels of positive psychological states and lower levels of depression.
There is no doubt that being a Pinup can not only be fun but can also be good for our well being. We put together a short list of some of the health benefits of being a postmodern Pinup girl.
1. Coping with Stress and Anxiety. Pinup can redirect your focus and help you concentrate on pleasant activities. There is a lot to learn when you are becoming a pinup. Hairstyles, makeup, poses, fashion, history, photography and art are only some of the many topics that you will be researching and discovering. Submerging yourself in this new experience will definitely take your mind away from excessive rumination, allowing you to turn your attention towards more productive things.
2. It’s a Mood Booster. Looking at yourself in the mirror after getting all dolled up can give you a huge sense of accomplishment. Recreating the glamour of the past is an art that is admired by most people, it can not only make you the receiver of many compliments but will also make you feel like an Old Hollywood starlet.
3. Having a Social Outlet. Being a Pinup can help you connect with others. Group activities can give you social support. There are many pinup groups worldwide that you can join, if there is none in your area, you can probably start a new chapter or open your own. Few things will boosts your social skills more than engaging with others who share your same interest.
4. Increases Self-esteem. The pinup journey can help you cope with body image issues because it increases self-confidence. One of the most amazing things about becoming a pinup is that any woman can do it. The Pinup community is one of the most welcoming communities there is and it’s centered in body positivity, acceptance and self-love. Trust us, you will never be too tall, too old or too small because pinups come in all shapes, colors and sizes.
5. Provides a Creative Outlet. Pinup is a fantastic way of exercising your creative brain. Whether is developing your pinup persona, accessorizing your outfit for a photoshoot or coordinating a retro event, there are many ways of putting your creativity to work and express yourself, which can generate relaxation and happiness feelings.
No time for Pinup? Research shows that the benefits of having a hobby makes them more than worth the time they require so don’t miss out and try it, your pinup hobby can be surprisingly meaningful, healing and fun!
Visit our Application Page to submit your pinup photos for publication and follow us on Instagram for more amazing PinUp journeys!
Jackie Colada is a PinUp Model, Vintage Enthusiast and the Owner of Chica Boom PinUp Magazine.